Finance and Banking group - FBG of University of Economics and Law, which is a subsidiary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of the Faculty of Finance and Banking, was established on 09/03/2007. FBG works as a professional group in the field of finance -banking – securities, the main field of the UEL.
Number of current members: over 25 people.
FBG's mission
- Create an active playground to learn and exchange for students who are interested in Finance - Banking
- Connect students with business organizations in the financial-banking sector
- Support and equip students with many skills, knowledge and needed information to adapt the requirements for high-quality human resources in finance and banking field
- Organize many programs, competitions, seminars, exchanges, career-oriented, soft skills development workshops to share many useful learning methods and training for students .
- Provide knowledge in Finance - Banking for UEL’s students in particular and all students who are following this major.
During operation, the entire group always stick to our core values
- For students
- Towards the long-term benefits
- Always try your best
- Culture family
Organization Structure
FBG consists of two main boards: Academic deparment and Foreign Relation and Media deparment
Our message to all students
Come to FBG to feel a passionate team, a professional and efficient working environment and a warm family unity.
Contact Us: Finance Banking Group- FBG
University of Economics and Law, Linh Xuan, Thu Duc
Email: finance.fbg@gmail.com
Hotline: 01674643305
FBG- a place to communicate, make friends, share, love and commitment.