With the mottoes “Practice makes perfect"; "Theory comes along with practice”, the Faculty keeps attaching a special importance to student scientific research activities. This, on one hand, helps students to enhance teamwork skill and the ability to work independently and on the other hand, to bridge the gap between theory and reality as well as promote a life-long learning. Therefore, the Faculty cooperates with the Office of Scientific Management and Postgraduate Programs in organizing regular specialized seminars to guide, orient and share experience on scientific research which attract hundreds of students from the FFB and from other faculties.

Seminar on research methodology

Hundreds of students participated and listened attentively

Thanks to the strong support from the Faculty, the number of students and groups of students taking part in scientific research activity keep increasing. Particularly, in 2014, there have been 30 groups participated and three of them winning prizes from the UEL. These winning groups were chosen to compete in higher levels and some of them carried off high prizes from the MOET and national level.

The group that won the first prize at national scientific research contest in Economics and Management

Certificate of achievement by the MOET for the third prize

Effective teaching strategy adhered to pedagogical methodology have helped students to think out of the box and apply theory into practice scientifically. For the past few years, students majoring in Finance and Banking have won a lot of awards from the University or higher level

School year



UEL’s 2nd prize in scientific research, MOET’s 3rd prize in scientific research


UEL’s 3rd prize, 1st prize at nation level


UEL’s 3rd prize


UEL’s 1st prize


UEL’s 1st prize

List of awards of FFB students
With current accomplishment, the enthusiasm of lecturers and research staffs who are willing to support students in studying in general and in scientific research in particular, students majoring in Finance and Banking will achieve great success not only in scientific research activity but also in their career.